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Important Notice Regarding Water Service Termination
Posted 07/02/20
In March 2020, in consideration of the rapidly unfolding events surrounding the novel Coronavirus, the Moundsville Water Board with guidance from the WV Public Service Commission, voluntarily suspended service terminations and the assessment of penalties on customer accounts with past due balances.
Recently, the State of West Virginia has begun the process of rescinding stay at home guidelines.
The Public Service Commission has stated that West Virginia utilities that voluntarily suspended utility service terminations may begin the Notice of Termination process effective July 1, 2020.
Therefore, please be advised that, beginning July 1, 2020, the Moundsville Water Board will be reinstating all penalties and termination of service for delinquent accounts.
Customers with past due balances should make every effort to pay those balances in order to avoid termination of services.
If any customer is in need of making a deferred payment agreement to avoid termination of services, we urge them to contact the billing office at 304-845-0380 as soon as possible before their service is terminated.