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Lawn Maintenance Bids
Posted 01/26/24
The City of Moundsville, West Virginia is accepting bids for Lawn Maintenance. The bid would be for seasonal grass cutting and trimming. The contract would include grass cutting and weed trimming, and bagging and disposal of clippings, as needed. The bid must include the complete cost of services. Bidder must provide proof of liability insurance, have current city business license (at time of contract), and be current on any Business & Occupation Tax. Awarded contractor will be responsible for payment of all Business & Occupation taxes. The contractor will provide all equipment and personnel required to provide the maintenance service. Areas shall be cut at a minimum weekly or as directed by the Director of Parks and Recreation. The locations are listed below. A mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 7, 2024, at 1:00 PM in the Council Chambers of the Moundsville City Building, 800 6th Street, Moundsville, WV 26041. A tour of the areas will be available immediately after, if desired.
Please submit your sealed bid and required documentation to the City Clerk at the Moundsville City Building, 800 Sixth Street, Moundsville, West Virginia, 26041 by Wednesday, February 14, 2024 at 10:00 A.M. Any questions regarding this bid advertisement can be directed to John White, Director of Parks & Recreation at 304-845-7733.
The envelope must be marked: LAWN MAINTENANCE BID. Please note the City of Moundsville reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
Bids for the following areas can be provided for each individual area and/or for all areas as one package.
· Area 1: Includes all city owned property for Valley Fork Baseball/Soccer Complex located off 12th street. This will include baseball fields, soccer fields, fitness area and all grass/weeds owned by the city of Moundsville. This will include maintaining grass/weeds in these areas and all trimming.
· Area 2: Includes all city owned property at Riverfront Park Area, Shelter Area, RV Park, and extra lot, and East End Park hillside cutting (monthly). This will include maintaining grass/weeds in these areas and all trimming.
· Area 3: Includes the Valley Fork Softball Complex located at 12th street just below the Northern Regional Jail. This will include maintaining grass/weeds in these areas and all trimming.