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No Smoking in City Parks
Posted 03/09/20
As warmer weather approaches, we want to remind residents and visitors that all City Parks are SMOKE FREE. This includes all areas, including seating and sitting areas, parking lots, play areas, etc. This is to comply with Moundsville City Ordinance #1106.01:
(a) Smoking is hereby prohibited in Council Chambers, the City administrative office, commonly known as the "front office" and in the swimming area of Four Seasons Swimming Pool when the sides of the pool enclosure are attached.
(b) No person shall use any form of tobacco at or on any City-owned or operated outdoor recreational facility, including, but not limited to, the restrooms, spectator and concession areas of Riverfront Park, Four Seasons Pool and Playground, Valley Fork Park North and South, Park View Playground, or other City outdoor recreational areas. Appropriate signage shall be posted in these specified areas.
(c) Whoever violates any provision of this section shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00). (Passed 12-2-14.)