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Notice of Public Hearing
Posted 07/14/20
Notice of Public Hearing Regarding Creation of the City of Moundsville Development/Redevelopment District No. 1 and Project No. 1
A public hearing will be held at a regular meeting of the City Council of The City of Moundsville on Tuesday, July 21, 2020 at 7:00 PM. Any person interested may appear before the City Council and present comments, protests and suggestions.
The proposed Development District includes approximately 112.79 acres in the Moundsville District, Marshall Redevelopment County. The TIF District is being created by the City of Moundsville to provide a tool for economic development and redevelopment of Brownfield areas and provide a method to extend needed infrastructure to the sites for sites in Moundsville and surrounding areas of Marshall County, including the Moundsville Business Park.